Train Up


The largest one-time investment ever made in Baltimore’s workforce

Train Up provides unemployed and underemployed Baltimore City residents with free job training and skills essential to Baltimore’s growing industries. Train Up providers are trusted community organizations located throughout Baltimore City that provide a wide variety of training opportunities.

Public Notice: Request for Proposals


One-Stop Operator for Baltimore City’s One-Stop Career Centers

The Baltimore Workforce Development Board (“Board”) is seeking responses to a Request for Proposals for a One-Stop Operator for Baltimore City’s One-Stop Career Centers. The One-Stop Career Centers are proud partners of the American Job Center network. The One-Stop Operator will coordinate the service delivery of required one-stop partners and service providers of core program partners and other required partners working with both comprehensive One-Stop Centers.

Public Notice: Request for Proposals


Train Up and Hire Up Support Services: Behavioral Health Services for Baltimore City Residents in the COVID-19 Economic Recovery

The Mayor’s Office of Employment Development seeks responses to a Request for Proposals (RFP) to provide behavioral health services as a support service to participants in employment development programs.

Local Workforce Plan (WIOA) 2020-2024


MOED’s final draft of its Local Workforce Plan 2020-2024, is linked here .The plan is required by the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

The Mayor’s Office of Employment Development's main office and workforce centers for adults and youth are closed due to COVID-19. Please click here to learn more from the Baltimore City Health Department about the virus and how to protect yourself. For the most current updates, please follow MOED on Twitter @BaltMOED and Facebook at Baltimore City Mayor's Office of Employment Development.



 The Baltimore Workforce Development Board (BWDB) is made up of a majority of business leaders who oversee workforce development in Baltimore City, in conjunction with labor, workforce, education and philanthropy. The Baltimore City Mayor’s Office of Employment Development (MOED) is the administrative arm of the BWDB, who partners with a broad array of workforce stakeholders to ensure their combined efforts are well-coordinated, high-quality and impactful for jobseekers and employers. Peruse our site, or click here, to learn more about current workforce efforts and how you can get involved.




New ways partners are working together to align and integrate workforce services



Updates and activities from various gatherings of workforce partners



Using data to determine enhancements to workforce services across the network



Employer driven enhancements to workforce services


Are You In?

If you are interested in receiving more information about the Baltimore Workforce Development Board and the coordinated workforce system, please complete this brief interest form.